• Our Services

    Free taster EAM Session (30 min)

    This is an initial consultation including a free taster session for the client to experience EAM to see for themselves if and how they could benefit from a session and what it will involve. All sessions are online at present. To book, click the button below to to use one of the methods to contact us and specifying the desired session.

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    One on One EAM Session (2 hours)

    This is an energy transformation session during which the coach holds space for the client, identifies specific areas of work through coaching and based on their experience of energy systems, guides the client through the 5 steps of EAM to release what is energetically holding them back and guides them to align to what they wish to experience. All sessions are online at present and will typically be over weekends or during evening UK hours unless agreed beforehand.

    * See Service Policy section below for the applicable charges
    * This website is being enhanced to enable online scheduling of your appointment. Until this feature is available please contact Anuradha to book a session by clicking the button below to contact us using one of the available methods.

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    VIP EAM Session (3-4 hours)

    This is an intenstive energy transformation session for the client at a much deeper as well as broader level. The coach holds space for the client, identifies specific areas of work through coaching and based on their experience of energy systems, guides the client through the 5 steps of EAM to release what is energetically holding them back and guides them to align to what they wish to experience. The session will run for around 3.5 hours with a 30min break in between. All sessions are online at present and will typically be over weekends or during evening UK hours unless agreed beforehand.

    * See Service Policy below for the applicable charges
    * This website is being enhanced to enable online scheduling of your appointment. Until this feature is available please contact Anuradha to book a session by clicking the button below to contact us using one of the available methods.

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    Group EAM Session (2 hours)

    This is an online session for a small group of mentees who are guided using the 5 steps of EAM through an energetic release and alignment session. The topic for each session will vary and will be influenced by the needs of the group and planned accordingly. This will be a recurring weekly session occuring over the weekend and will be available for members only to enable a safe and supportive space for transformation to take place. Monthly membership fee applies and for details see Membership section below. This membership is currently free as an introductory offer. 

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    Service Policy

    It is my sincere wish to support transforming the lives of as many people as possible who are ready to take charge of their life. If after an initial free consultation you do wish to benefit from an EAM session but are not in a position to bear the cost at this time, do contact me and I will see what I could do to support you in your transformation if you are truly ready to change your life.

    Please contact me using the Contact Form for the applicable charges for the services and any discounts available.  
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  • Workshops

    • Below workshops are to be scheduled based on the level of interest in each.
      These will be a full day (6 hours) or half day event (4 hours) with one or more planned breaks depending on the length of session. Topics in the pipeline include
      - Heartcentred Leadership
      - Effective Communication
      - Confidence and empowerment
      - Harmony and balance in relationships

      To register interest write to [email protected] specifying the workshop you are interested in or any other topics you may be interested in.
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  • Membership

    Membership is on a monthly rolling basis and allows members access into the Members Area. Membership offers the following advantages
    - Access to privileged content including targeted exercises, videos, updates for continuous evolution of learning
    - Recording of each week's session will be available so if one misses a group session, they are able to watch the recording and do the exercises on their own
    - Access to Members only FB community for additional offline support. Deeper engagement with other members is also found to be highly beneficial as members can often buddy up and having access to a community of like minded supportive people creates bigger shifts
    - Discounts on other services such as One on One Session, VIP Session and Workshops
    - Complimentary 1-1 coaching session 

    Membership is currently free for those who join as early / founding members and will be a low monthly cost in future.
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